Airport bookstores are an excellent place to kill time.

In a world where high street and specialist bookshops are disappearing one after another, it’s nice to see that bookshops in airports are reversing the trend. With that in mind, we uncover why airport bookshops remain popular with travelers.
Growing up in an age when computers and the Internet were a future dream, I and others like me used to read books for entertainment. Most of these books came from the local library and were swapped weekly for a new read.

Photo: Pxhere
When Amazon introduced its Kindle e-reader in 2007, it was expected to revolutionize how people bought and read books. While many people like downloading and reading books on the Kindles, there remains a particular pleasure in holding and turning the pages of a traditionally printed book.

Photo: WH-Smith
Buying a book at the airport can allow you to escape into the story while sitting at the gate or to discourage a chatty person from trying to engage you in conversation. Generally speaking, bibliophiles or people going away on a beach vacation would have secured their reading material well in advance. The airport bookstore allows you to buy something to read that you have been thinking about last minute and take it with you on your trip.
Source: Simple Flying